Integrating Traditional and Nontraditional Solutions

SynergyMed is dedicated – with love, truth, and hope – to providing
cutting-edge, holistic strategies for enhancing MindBodyHealth.
MindBodyHealth Consultation, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy,
and Clinical Supervision at SynergyMed
MindBodyHealth Consultation
(in person or remotely)
Clinical Supervision Session
(in person or remotely)
My passion is helping people get healthy in mind and body –
my vision simple but ambitious.
Established for the benefit of healthcare professionals and health-conscious laypersons, SynergyMed for MindBodyHealth is a trailblazing organization dedicated to offering – all at no or nominal charge – an exciting array of state-of-the-art educational programs designed to ignite public awareness about the ever-evolving field of MindBodyMedicine.
Unflinchingly committed to empowering with the truth and unwaveringly delivered with love and hope, my instructional platform focuses on cutting-edge, holistic treatments for chronic psychiatric/medical conditions and on everyday, proactive, cost-effective strategies – traditional and nontraditional – for enhancing overall MindBodyHealth.
Martha Stark, MD
Lecturer on Psychiatry (part-time),
Harvard Medical School
Originator / Developer,
A C.A.R.E.S. Approach to Deep Embodied Healing
Founder / CEO, SynergyMed for MindBodyHealth:
Integrating Traditional and Nontraditional Solutions

Integrative Medicine Specialist, Board Certified by the American Association of Integrative Medicine
Holistic Psychiatrist (Adult / Adolescent / Child) and Innovative Psychoanalyst
Co-Founder / Co-Director / Faculty, Center for Psychoanalytic Studies, William James College
Faculty, Psychiatry Redefined
Faculty / Scientific Advisory Board, Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine
Adjunct Faculty, Smith College School for Social Work
Adjunct Faculty, William James College
Former Faculty, Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
Former Faculty, Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis
Award-Winning Author of 9 Books on Psychodynamic Theory and Practice
Chapters in Integrative Medicine Textbooks
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Toxicology / Environmental Medicine Journals
Editorial / Advisory Boards, Holistic Health Publications
Expert Testimony, Cases Involving Toxic Environmental Exposures
National / International Lecturer on Principles of Integrative Medicine

SynergyMed for MindBodyHealth
Integrating Traditional and Nontraditional Solutions
Are you not as healthy – in mind or body – as you would want to be? Have you already consulted numerous healthcare specialists but remain confused, broken, and desperate for answers and relief? Do you suffer from chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, memory problems, depression, low energy, insomnia, anxiety? My passion is helping people regain their health and restore their hope.
As a seasoned (Harvard-trained / Harvard-affiliated) holistic psychiatrist and innovative psychoanalyst with expertise in the integration of traditional and alternative approaches to MindBodyHealth, I have acquired a broad-based appreciation for the underlying causes of, and holistic treatments for, chronic psychiatric and medical conditions.
Because of my decades of experience as a mental health practitioner and my cutting-edge training as an integrative medicine consultant, I am in the unique position of being able to offer you a comprehensive, several-session, solution-oriented assessment focused on pinpointing hidden vulnerability, dysfunction, imbalance, hypersensitivity, and energy blockage.
I will then custom design – and monitor – a strategic treatment plan for you, one that specifically targets the revitalizing of your resilience and the restoring of your capacity to cope with stress by reinstating your innate ability to self-heal in the face of optimal challenge.
Please email or call StarkSynergy at 617.244.7188 to schedule a complimentary initial session – in person or by phone – to evaluate your MindBodyHealth!
MindBodyHealth Consultation
(in person or remotely)

SynergyMed for MindBodyHealth
Integrating Traditional and Nontraditional Solutions
Superimposing an acute injury on top of a chronic one is sometimes exactly what the body needs in order to heal.
But just as with the body, where a condition might not heal until it is made acute, so too with the mind. The therapeutic provision of "optimal stress" – against the backdrop of empathic attunement and authentic engagement – can be the magic ingredient needed to overcome the inherent resistance to change so frequently encountered in patients with longstanding emotional injuries.
Too much challenge (traumatic stress) will overwhelm. Too little challenge (minimal stress) will reinforce the dysfunctional status quo. But just the right combination of challenge and support (optimal stress) will galvanize the patient to action and provoke healing.
With my finger ever on the pulse of my patient's level of anxiety and capacity to tolerate further challenge, I formulate "incentivizing statements" strategically designed "to precipitate disruption in order to trigger repair." Ongoing use of these optimally stressful interventions will induce healing cycles of defensive destabilization followed by adaptive restabilization at ever-higher levels of integration, dynamic balance, and functional capacity.
Behind this "no pain, no gain" approach is my firm belief in the underlying resilience patients will inevitably discover within themselves once forced to tap into their inborn ability to self-correct in the face of environmental challenge – an innate capacity that will enable them to advance, over time, from less-evolved defensive reaction to more-evolved adaptive response.
The health of a system is therefore a story about its capacity to adapt, that is, its ability to self-regulate and to restore its homeostatic balance in the face of challenge. At the end of the day, the goal of any holistic treatment – be its focus psychological or physical – must be to restore the intrinsic orderedness and fluidity to the MindBodyMatrix so that stressful challenges can be more effectively mastered.
With a focus always on the interface between theory and practice, the individual supervision that I offer and the short-term / long-term supervision, study, and consultation groups that I run offer both new and more experienced clinicians a safe space in which to explore their "use of self" to find, and to be found by, the client.
Clinical Supervision Session
(in person or remotely)