Integrating Traditional and Nontraditional Solutions

SynergyMed is dedicated – with love, truth, and hope – to providing
cutting-edge, holistic strategies for enhancing MindBodyHealth.
Entirely F.R.E.E.
Weekly (90-minute)
Spot Supervision ZOOM Sessions
Facilitated by Martha Stark MD
Harvard Medical School
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm (Eastern Time)
01/09/2025 – 05/29/2025
– 19 Sessions –
Both "Live" and "Recorded"
for Later Viewing on
My Private YouTube Channel
Prerequisite – Any clinician familiar with my work and eager to deepen their understanding of THE STARK METHOD is warmly invited to join my entirely F.R.E.E. Spot Supervision ZOOM Sessions.
These sessions provide a supportive, collaborative environment where you'll engage with a vibrant community of like-minded, open-hearted mental health professionals, all passionately dedicated to catalyzing deep, embodied healing for their clients.
You can join at any time!
In these sessions, I demonstrate how to translate THE STARK METHOD of PSYCHODYNAMIC SYNERGY into real-world clinical practice, offering practical insights and powerful tools to enhance – and revitalize – your therapeutic approach.
There are no requirements to attend live the 90-minute weekly Spot Supervision ZOOM Sessions, nor to view the recordings later.
My hope is that you will engage in whichever way feels most beneficial to you!
If you'd like to attend, email me at
Currently, we have 20 - 30 clinicians who join live every Thursday, and around 250 who view the recordings at their convenience.
I would be thrilled to have you become a part of the Spot Supervision ZOOM Community and look forward to hearing from you!
With deepest appreciation and in eager anticipation,