Integrating Traditional and Nontraditional Solutions

SynergyMed is dedicated – with love, truth, and hope – to providing
cutting-edge, holistic strategies for enhancing MindBodyHealth.
​In response to many requests,
I have decided to continue the tradition of
my Spot Supervision ZOOM Sessions...
Going forward, I will therefore be offering
F.R.E.E. Weekly Spot Supervision ZOOM Sessions!
– at no cost whatsoever –
to any and all clinicians who have some familiarity with
my Psychodynamic Synergy Paradigm and its five Models
and are eager to learn more about how to use
those five "modes of therapeutic action"
to understand
how the client has "defensively positioned"
herself in her life over time
how the therapist can "adaptively position"
herself in relation to her client moment-by-moment.
In other words,
the five Models can be used to understand
both the client's "more enduring traits"
and the client's "more transient states"
Models 1 – 4 of
my Psychodynamic Synergy Paradigm
are psychoanalytical informed
and emphasize "our history as our destiny."
The brain-based Model 5
is the most recent addition to
my Psychodynamic Synergy Paradigm
and represents
a quantum-neuroscientific approach to healing.
It features
"therapeutic memory reconsolidation"
and "the dynamic nature of memory"
and emphasizes "our destiny as our choice."
In each F.R.E.E. Thursday
Spot Supervision ZOOM Session,
I will be offering
an overarching conceptual framework
for understanding the working through process
as it specifically relates
to the particular client being presented.
I will hope to demonstrate that the "therapeutic action"
will involve
– against the backdrop of empathic attunement
and a therapeutic alliance –
juxtaposing the sobering and conditioned reality
of "what is"
with the enlivening and quantum possibility
of "what could be"
... such that optimally stressful, growth-incentivizing
"mismatch experiences" will be generated
the incremental working through of which
– necessary if the internal tension is to be resolved
and the homeostatic balance restored –
will ultimately advance the client
from old bad "defensive reactions"
to new good "adaptive responses."