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The Massachusetts Association for Psychoanalytic Psychology (MAPP)
invites you to a

(2 CEs)

Practical Clinical Interventions for Incentivizing Change:
A Handy "Reference Guide" 


Martha Stark, MD / Faculty, Harvard Medical School
Thursday, May 4, 2023 – 6:00 - 8:00 pm (ET)


FEE – FREE to $40.00


Martha Stark's workshop will equip you with a variety of growth-incentivizing interventions specifically designed to facilitate advancement of your clients, whatever their diagnosis, from less healthy rigidity (defense) to more healthy flexibility (adaptation). 

You will be offered a set of therapeutic tools for use with universally relevant clinical moments, including the client’s need to 
(1) confront anxiety-provoking truths about herself (to resolve structural conflict), 
(2) grieve anxiety-provoking truths about the objects of her desire (to resolve structural deficit), 
(3) take ownership of anxiety-provoking truths about her relational self (to resolve relational conflict), and 
(4) expose anxiety-provoking truths about her private self (to resolve relational deficit).

Participants will receive Dr. Stark's newly created Clinical Intervention Guide in the form of a handy worksheet outlining the various “optimally stressful” interventions artfully designed to catalyze the therapeutic action by providing both impetus and opportunity for the client’s transformation and growth.

Thursday, May 4, 2023 – 6:00 - 8:00 pm (ET)


Target Audience: Licensed mental health professionals and graduate students
Instructional Level of Program: 
Intermediate / Advanced
The program will be held via Zoom. Registered participants will be emailed a link. Participants are encouraged to use a computer, not a phone or tablet, in order to get the most out of the program.

Cost and Refund Policy: 
Student member rate                                      Free
Student non-member rate                              $10
Member rate                                                       $30
Non-member rate                                              $40

If the organizers have to cancel the event for any reason, registered participants will receive a full refund. If a participant cancels and requests a refund no later than 48 hours before the program begins, the organizers will provide a full refund minus a credit card processing fee of $3. If a participant requests a refund with less than 48 hours notice, no refund will be issued. Participants should email to request a refund.
Program Schedule:
The program will start at 6:00pm and end at 8:00pm with 2 hours of instructional time and no breaks.

Martha Stark, MD, a graduate of Harvard Medical School and the Boston Psychoanalytic Institute, is a Holistic (Adult and Child) Psychiatrist / Psychoanalyst in private practice in Boston, Massachusetts.

Martha Stark is Faculty, Harvard Medical School; Co-Founder / Co-Director / Faculty, Center for Psychoanalytic Studies; Faculty, Psychiatry Redefined; Adjunct Faculty, William James College and Smith College School for Social Work; and Former Faculty, Boston Psychoanalytic Institute, Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis, Massachusetts Association for Psychoanalytic Psychology, Boston Institute for Psychotherapy, and Psychoanalytic Couple and Family Institute of New England. She also has numerous teaching affiliations with local, regional, and national psychodynamic / psychoanalytic training programs.

Martha Stark is an award-winning author of nine highly acclaimed books on psychoanalytic theory and technique – several of which have become required reading for candidates in a number of psychoanalytic training institutes across the United States and for students in various psychodynamic psychotherapy training programs both here and abroad. 

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the program, participants will be able to
1. Summarize the reason that optimal stress provides both impetus and opportunity for deep and enduring psychodynamic change

2. Design an optimally stressful “conflict statement” (structural conflict)

3. Construct an optimally stressful “disillusionment statement” (structural deficit)

4. Develop an optimally stressful “accountability statement” (relational conflict)

5. Create an optimally stressful “facilitation statement” (relational deficit)

Suggested Readings: 
Bollas, C. 1989. The shadow of the object: Psychoanalysis of the unthought known. New York: Columbia University Press.

Casement, P. 1992. Learning from the patient. New York: Guilford Press.

Mitchell, S. 1988. Relational concepts in psychoanalysis: An integration. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Stark, M. 1999. Modes of therapeutic action: Enhancement of knowledge, provision of experience, and engagement in relationship. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.

Continuing Education Credits:
For Psychologists:
The Massachusetts Association for Psychoanalytic Psychology (MAPP) is a local chapter of Division 39 (the Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology, or SPPP) of the American Psychological Association (APA).

SPPP (Division 39) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. SPPP maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

SPPP is committed to accessibility and non-discrimination in its continuing education activities.  If participants have special needs, we will attempt to accommodate them.

SPPP is also committed to conducting all activities in conformity with the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles for Psychologists. Participants are asked to be aware of the need for privacy and confidentiality throughout the program. If program content becomes stressful, participants are encouraged to process these feelings during discussion periods.

Please address questions, concerns and any complaints to the CE coordinator, Lotte Smith-Hansen, PhD, at

There is no commercial support for this program nor are there any relationships between the CE Sponsor, presenting organization, presenter, program content, research, grants, or other funding that could reasonably be construed as conflicts of interest. Participants will be informed of the utility/validity of the content/approach discussed (including the basis for the statements about validity/utility), as well as the limitations of the approach and most common (and severe) risks, if any, associated with the program’s content.

This program has been approved for 2 CEs for psychologists.

Participants must attend 100% of the program in order to obtain a Certificate of Attendance.
For Social Workers:
Applications for continuing education credits for social workers have been submitted. Please contact us at for the status of social work CE accreditation.

For Licensed Mental Health Counselors:
Licensed mental health counselors (LMHCs) are encouraged to use this workshop to apply for continuing education credits. Please contact us at if you need any further information.



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